Stress and Hormone Panel
The Stress & Hormone Profile measures the levels of the same key hormones featured in our flagship Female Wellness Daily Cycle salivary hormone test, with the addition of the daytime levels of Melatonin and Secretory IgA (SIgA), key indicators of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction.
This test analyzes levels of: Progesterone, Estradiol, The Progesterone: Estradiol Ratio, Testosterone, DHEA-S, Diurnal Cortisol (AM, noon, afternoon, bedtime), The Total Cortisol: DHEA-S ratio, Melatonin (Daytime) and Secretory IgA (SigA)
Sample collection method: Saliva
The Stress & Hormone Profile measures the levels of the same key hormones featured in our flagship Female Wellness Daily Cycle salivary hormone test, with the addition of the daytime levels of Melatonin and Secretory IgA (SIgA), key indicators of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction.
This test analyzes levels of: Progesterone, Estradiol, The Progesterone: Estradiol Ratio, Testosterone, DHEA-S, Diurnal Cortisol (AM, noon, afternoon, bedtime), The Total Cortisol: DHEA-S ratio, Melatonin (Daytime) and Secretory IgA (SigA)
Sample collection method: Saliva
The Stress & Hormone Profile measures the levels of the same key hormones featured in our flagship Female Wellness Daily Cycle salivary hormone test, with the addition of the daytime levels of Melatonin and Secretory IgA (SIgA), key indicators of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction.
This test analyzes levels of: Progesterone, Estradiol, The Progesterone: Estradiol Ratio, Testosterone, DHEA-S, Diurnal Cortisol (AM, noon, afternoon, bedtime), The Total Cortisol: DHEA-S ratio, Melatonin (Daytime) and Secretory IgA (SigA)
Sample collection method: Saliva